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Old 11-11-2022, 06:00 AM
BrianL99 BrianL99 is offline
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Originally Posted by LAFwUs View Post
I'm am more than a bit displeased and not sure how to proceed.
Brief background:
We are current 1yr residents of the Villages, on a LT lease on the farthest south end's new construction for the sake of finding what/where we wanted to be.
Found a VLS home in the north end that checked most of the boxes and proceeded with purchase at the beginning of Sept.
Seller bumped the close out to 60 days after accepting our offer, citing they "needed more time" we agreed w/out complaint, even though the slipped in extension was not appreciated.
In fact, needs to be noted, we went with the flow at every step. Not a single complaint voiced, not a single thing asked from anyone.

Literally everything got pushed back to the very last minute, as in the last 2 weeks. No time cushion at all.
VLS "assistant" would constantly pipe us totally wrong info, then take a week to reply, if at all when we asked for clarification. we just rolled with the bs.
Home was literally just cleared of belongings this past weekend (or 56 days post offer acceptance) Some repairs were done very sloppy/shoddy and other things to have been repaired (badly leaking outside spigot being 1) still not done at all.
We were also told home would be "thoughly cleaned to VLS standards" by start of this week! Anyway,

Today was closing day.

Closing time was pushed back 2hrs due to weather. No biggy. Understood.
Closing location was then changed 1 hr before new closing time.
We were not told any of this BTW, had to find it all out on our own. Still trying to go with the flow and adjust accordingly, but the no preemptive contact from anyone starting to not sit well.

No one shows up at the now revised closing time & location, except the title clerk and us, despite being told repeatedly, they'd all be there and everyone knew the new time/location.
The weather was not an issue by then, we drove it, the title clerk made it from outside the villages, bank staff was there no issue, in fact it had stopped raining hours earlier.
Title clerk just wanted to go home, but least she showed.
Kudos for that.
Sales office where we were to get our new gate cards & rez IDs post closing (original closing location), would not let us in, even though there were people inside and we were told we were "excepted". It was 2 hrs before their posted close time. Grrrr.

So, I sit here, end of the "big day" we waited 2 months for.....,
I have No KEYS, garage remotes, etc to our new house.
(because neither agent showed at close)
The house has not been cleaned out, as promised.
House still has belonging in it we ask to have removed.
Some repairs not done.
*Inside was trashed during the move out (nails and screws from wall decorations being pulled out, littered every floor, literally hundreds of holes & scratches in the walls, dirt, clumps of pet hair & debris everywhere, including a small amount of junk we asked to have removed during the walk thru last monday..none of it has been corrected or remedied.

Our agent txt says "another week" to get a cleaning crew over, but I was told "I have to arrange" that thru the sellers agent - whose name & contact we were never provided, despite our asking.

I don't know when we are to get keys, etc. Have to now drive back down to get ID cards in addition to all this.
Not a single congrats or made to feel welcome at all by anyone, just a big fat nothing at almost every turn....SMH.

I'm not sure where to go from here?
Do I escalate these issues to a higher level and if so, whom?
Certainly this is not how it it?
Advice appreciated. thnx.
& that folks, is why amateurs should use Lawyers when purchasing real estate.