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Old 11-11-2022, 11:31 AM
ElDiabloJoe ElDiabloJoe is offline
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Sounds to me like you bought from one of three different Sellers:
1. A person(s) getting evicted and leaving unwillingly;
2. A person(s) under financial duress who did not want to leave willingly;
3. A person(s) amidst a divorce or relationship breakup who did not wish to leave willingly.

Regardless of which, the above advice is exactly right. Since you signed and it is essentially fait accompli at this point, you can either choose to be bitter and hateful, or be happy it is done and move on with lock changing, cleaning up, repairing, etc. to make it "yours" and put this unfortunate experience in your rearview mirror.

Either way, good luck, and CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR NEW (to you) HOME !!!!!
Chino 1960's to 1976, Torrance, CA 1976-1983, 87-91, 94-98 / Frederick Co., MD 1983-1987/ Valencia, CA 1991-1994/ Brea, CA 1998-2002/ Dana Point, CA 2002-2019/ Knoxville, TN 2019-Current/ FL 2022-Current