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Old 11-11-2022, 11:22 PM
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Originally Posted by LAFwUs View Post
Story didnt change, I worded things poorly or at least less detailed than I should have perhaps...

Original closing was to take place at LSL sales office 2pm, where we were to have met all parties, sign docs, get keys, get cards, etc. This was agreed on days prior.
Easy peazy.

That plan was changed last minute to a met at the Citizens First Bank next door 4pm. The bank was clearly open and appeared to be operating normally as was most of LSL. That's the "bank people" I was referring to previously. It was they who then directed us upstairs to meet with the title clerk who also showed up.
Other people, most importantly was our acting "agent" and the sellers agent where supposed to be there as well. The sellers agent had all keys, neither of which felt it was important enough to arrive as stated they would!
Sorry if that one aspect of the greater story was unclear.

BTW - We were able to obtain the keys this evening.
Our acting "agent" readily admitted "several people totally dropped the ball on our transaction/close" and none of it at all, could be justified.
Well done! All is well that ends well. You may want to follow up. Or you may not.

Welcome to The Villages!