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Old 11-29-2022, 12:07 PM
Worldseries27 Worldseries27 is offline
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Originally Posted by thirdoffive View Post
dunno about that skirt thing but i agree that he wouldn't have lasted as long playing in the 60s and 70s. Numerous rule changes over the years have protected the quarterback. I doubt brady would have lasted as long as he has, if he had to face the shellacking that people like y.a. Tittle, bart starr, terry bradshaw, john unitas, etc. Had to face every week.

I recall a game back in the 70's. The mn vikings, quarterbacked by joe kapp, were playing the (then) baltimore colts. Nobody ever accused kapp of being a finesse player but he did get the job done. Baltimore had a linebacker, ted ("the mad stork") hendricks, who was the terror of quarterbacks and running backs across the league. Big, tough and nasty. Not too far into the game kapp took off on a run directly into the path of the mad stork. The distance between them closed rapidly. Kapp put his head down and barreled directly into the midsection of the stork. Both went down. Kapp got up. The stork didn't.

Can't see brady doing that.
this is the psych ops division of fantasy football . The 50's thru 70s' are calling. They want their 18 inch b//w tv set with channel changing by screaming back