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Old 12-01-2022, 10:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Worldseries27 View Post
you bring up a good point about being forced to sit next to "mable".
Let's do this. Section off an area of the town squares for those who bring their pets. You all sit together with your service animals. Surely your beloved pets will love this experience, or, would chaos reign, the same experience you would subject us to. Did you ever think your pets make non pet owners nervous? Especially in close quarters. Do you think its pleaseant to sit near an animal who may decide to snack on you. What would you do if it happened. Would you be the one to call 911 and inform them of the event and turn yourself in? Kind of think the pet owner would make apologies and get into the wind as fast as possible.
If my pet EVER hurt someone, I would immediately render first aid and stay with the person until help arrived.

And I'm sorry that the mere sight of a dog causes you so much distress.

Maybe a "dog friendly" community like TV is not the place for you..
Most things I worry about
Never happen anyway...

-Tom Petty