Even if you knew it was coming, why not wait until the light turns green? I don't get it. My foot is off the gas pedal until I see the go light. And even then I look for potential red light runners the other way.
Here's one for thought. Way back after watching the Foreman-Holyfield fight at a friend's, I was driving home in the dark. At a familiar 4 way stop sign I did a California roll with no other car in sight. I slowed to almost a stop, looked, and continued. Police light comes on they pull me over and give me a ticket. They were hiding in the dark for a pigeon and found one. Unfair? Well yeah pretty much chicken sh-- to me. If I saw cars at the other stop signs I wait my turn. I was being safe, but technically I was still at fault.
Last edited by mikeycereal; 02-08-2023 at 08:48 AM.