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Old 02-17-2023, 09:15 AM
ThirdOfFive ThirdOfFive is offline
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Originally Posted by DiviAruba View Post
I am looking at buying a home in TV. Is there a big difference on who you buy it from? I was told if it was an MLS that TV Real Estate cannot be involved with that.
Any information?
I can only go by our experience. We had both, and ended up buying from the MLS agent. The Villages agent was totally supportive of our choice (sent us a congratulatory card on our purchase) and checked with us several times after the sale to see if he could be of any assistance.

A lot must depend on what you want. If it is new construction than the Villages agent is the only way to go--MLS does not show new Villages properties. But we had decided early on that we wanted to buy in an older, established neighborhood. Several reasons: any "new construction" bugs would have been solved, low bond (in our case, no bond), etc. We couldn't be happier with our choice, and the supportiveness of both agents was most welcome.