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Old 03-24-2023, 06:54 AM
mickey100 mickey100 is offline
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Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
So what if those who have occupied a table for a ridiculous amount of time are politely told by management that the table is needed for those who have been waiting for a long time.

So what if they are insulted and don't ever come back.

Who cares.

Such clods hurt a restaurant's bottom line and cost the servers a lot of money.

For every one of them who gets huffy and stomps out, there will be many more who are happy to know that management handles these situations.

Of course, servers will have to be sure they close out the bill and get the tip first so they don't get stiffed because the clods are insulted.


PS: Maybe I am naive, but I think it would be better to handle this kind of behavior as it happens instead of issuing a "warning" to everybody as they are seated. I think most people are aware of how busy a restaurant is getting and will behave accordingly.
Excellent idea. Management needs to meet the needs of patrons who have reservations and are waiting, as well as their servers who depend on tips. Sometimes people have a few cocktails, get carried away with conversation, and don't realize the situation in the dining room. If you give them the opportunity to do the right thing, and say it nicely, I think most people would move on. Those that don't, are inconsiderate boors. Who cares if they come back or not. There are plenty of people during the high season to take their place.