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Old 03-25-2023, 05:55 PM
spinner1001 spinner1001 is offline
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Originally Posted by manaboutown View Post
I received a phone call from my stock bookie at Schwab a couple days ago. He asked me if I was concerned about Schwab Bank, went on to point out about how large it was and so on. He told me he was calling all his clients. Then he asked me if I had any questions. I said not really and told him that I had a general understanding of why SVB was in trouble; it invested long at low interests rates and now was forced to borrow short at higher interest rates. As he seemed nervous I asked him if he was doing damage control. He did not take that question well. After a more or less inconsequential and somewhat strained affable conversation about the weather and such we ended the call.

Then, I got on the internet and discovered Schwab was taking some heat and its stock was down. Turned out Schwab had also gone long on low interest bond investments, was in a pickle to some extent and was assuring folks they had what it took to cover the bases.

Very interesting...
It’s not just Schwab. Senior managers of many financial institutions are having their employees call banking customers — even stronger banks.