Thread: Prostate biopsy
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Old 03-29-2023, 06:25 AM
Nacoma Nacoma is offline
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Default Prostrate biopsy

I’m 69 years old and I’ve always had a high up and down PSA count between 6 and 12 normally. I’ve had the rectal biopsy done resulting in problems weeks later. For some reason I had bleeding in the prostrate that didn’t reveal itself until weeks later when all of a sudden I was peeing lots of red blood with clots. The clots would block the urinal tract then suddenly let go because of the buildup of pressure. Rather concerning to say the least but days later it cleared up. Later I had an MRI of the prostrate which is much easier and to my knowledge is the preferred method now for trying to detect cancer in the prostrate. You might discuss this with your urologist. Often an MRI can be performed and later a biopsy if needed. Whatever you decide I highly recommend you listen to your urologist prostrate cancer can kill you.