Thread: Amtrak
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Old 03-31-2023, 08:15 PM
Pairadocs Pairadocs is offline
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Originally Posted by Misky1951 View Post
I'm thinking of an alternative to driving/flying for my yearly trip to New England.

The Amtrak website is terrible to get general information on such trips. Looks like there's overnight trips from Orlando to NYC, then on to Providence.

I'd probably do a roomette. From viewing YouTube videos, it looks like a relaxing trip.

Has anyone done this? Can trips be booked through AAA?

My neighbors have been using Amtrack for years, about 14 now ! They come and go to their home here several times a year, not just for the winter. The always book their trips on line at the Amtrack site, and search often as there are frequent sales (I think Amtrack posts them on Tuesdays ?) and when they see one, they book it quickly since they are not tied into a specific date (being retired). They use the auto-train and absolutely love it, they do have to sleep in their seats, but they always have a delicious dinner, usually play cards with other passengers and/or spend time on the internet, they just really enjoy it (and all of their luggage and other things they take back and forth between their two homes are stored in their car. I've traveled to NYC, to Chicago, and taken a trip across the entire northern part of the U.S. to Seattle. Wonderful trip, food, and service. Have not taken any train journey's since Covid, so don't know how that has affected service, available staff, quality of food, etc. but planning a fall train trip. Friends just took VIA in October (Canadian system they connected with when they left U.S. Amtrack system and continued on to Canada) and said it was wonderful, didn't notice any difference from the Covid events. Additional: I've usually had a roomette, only had bedroom once when hubby also went, but I found roomette very adequate for one person. It is VERY compact, but I found what I thought might be the most negative aspect of roomettes, the communal shower room, was not as much a turn-off as I had anticipated ! Perhaps I just chose an idea time to go, but I found I was usually the only one in there !

Last edited by Pairadocs; 03-31-2023 at 08:38 PM. Reason: typo error