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Old 04-13-2023, 03:15 PM
FFlank FFlank is online now
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Default Blink system

Most of the systems have been adequately covered, but I thought I'd add my two cents regarding Blink. I've had it for about six months. I'm not yet living in TV, and the area I'm in has occasional porch pirates, so my main reason for getting the system was to be alerted whenever the mail comes or a package is delivered, so I can retrieve it before it runs away. It does a decent job, but anyone looking to buy Blink should know about some shortcomings. It comes with a free thirty day trial subscription. As others have noted, you don't have to pay when the thirty days is up, and you can choose to simply store your video on a USB drive, which is the route I chose after the thirty days was up. The main drawback of the system is that Amazon has essentially crippled the most useful features of it if you don't subscribe. After letting the trial subscription lapse, I noticed that when I get a motion alert on my iphone, it now takes forever (ok, maybe 20 seconds, but it feels like forever) for the app to show you the live camera that time, whatever triggered the motion is long gone. I then have to click on a button to pull up the actual saved video, and wait another twenty seconds for that to be pulled up. Eventually, I see that a package has been delivered. If you are a subscriber, you can tap on the notification and instantly see the live view. Blink even teases you during the 20 second wait by telling you that USB clips take "a little longer" . There's no real technological reason for just seems like a way to get you to subscribe. Overall, I like the battery life and it suits my needs, but its drawbacks are unnecessary. Anyway, it's fine as long as you don't need/want instant access to the camera or video clip. Others may have a better experience with Blink.