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Old 05-08-2023, 05:24 AM
Cobullymom Cobullymom is offline
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Originally Posted by OrangeBlossomBaby View Post
If only you hadn't added the "I can buy this for less at the store" your complaint would be mostly valid.

You invalidated the complaint with that single statement though.

To explain - since I realize logic is not everyone's forte:

You can buy ALL of your food cheaper at a supermarket, and prepare it yourself from scratch. However, you won't have the experience of being served, having someone else do the dishes, someone else doing the cooking, the cleaning, paying for the electricity needed to run the oven and dishwasher, the experience of "dining out," preventing all those fish skins you can't put in the garbage disposer stinking up your house until trash day, etc. etc. etc.

A valid argument might be "I can make BETTER for less, and so I shall." That's my argument for shrimp scampi, everywhere I go. No one makes it as good as I make it. I'm always disappointed, and so I just stopped ordering it entirely. When I want shrimp scampi, I make it.

If you know you can get something for less somewhere else, and that is your argument for complaining about the price of something, then - get it for less somewhere else. Or just accept that at THIS place, there's an add-on price of $23 for salmon. Lighthouse is not an inexpensive middle-quality chain restaurant.

You would've been better off not trying to do things "cheap" and instead selected the bourbon salmon dinner, with a caesar salad add-on. That would've been only $32 and would've included vegetables and rice.
"Lighthouse is not an inexpensive middle-quality chain restaurant."

No, it's a low quality over priced restaurant. I'm not a restaurant basher, but this is quite an over statement. Just what is high quality about this place? Other than a nice water view.