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Old 06-04-2023, 05:44 PM
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Originally Posted by golfing eagles View Post
The most amazing part of all this is that those of us that understand the science, understand that we are currently in an ice age, by definition, that started 4 1/2 million years ago, understand that during this time there have been over a dozen cycles of glaciation and interglacial thaws that last 60-100,000 years, understand that CO2 is NOT the most important greenhouse gas, that water vapor is, understand that we are 10-12 degrees cooler than 65 million years ago because of the rise of the Himalayan and Rocky mountains which serve as a heat sink by removing water from the atmosphere and understand that all this was, is and will be driven by the power of the sun, Earth's orbital variations and variations in Earth's axis are the ones labelled "deniers". WHAT A JOKE!!! But I will give these climate change charlatans who have bamboozled a large percentage of the public with their dire warnings (like the ice caps will disappear by 2010 ) credit for 2 things:
First, taking the long range view to accumulated massive wealth and even more power by wasting $100 TRILLION to combat something that is way beyond our technology and,
Second, by changing the narrative by intimidating the true scientists like the above poster's son, denying grants, denying tenure and denying publication to those that only want to speak the truth by calling THEM "deniers". Just who are the true "deniers"? I can only assume they gleaned that strategy from the 10th edition of "The Newspeak Dictionary" published by the "Ministry of Truth", circa 1984.
60-100,000 years? We humans will probably be either dead or on another planet long before then from changes due to Global Warming. Our written history only goes back about 13,000 years , if that. There was a huge library that was destroyed in Alexandria. Julius Caesar's war contributed to part of it burning down.