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Old 06-16-2023, 05:34 AM
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Originally Posted by WiscoDogsDad View Post
Can I impose for elaboration?

I would not dream of leaving any poop behind, anywhere.....with a considered effort to have most voiding occur on my own property.

Dog owners who go for long walks for exercise, with proper short leash, never allowed to enter yards, respect their neighbors, and leave deposit in their yard only. They realize some work hard to try keep a green healthy lawn. ( that is difficult in FL) The lawn owner is Glad to be Mowing without stepping in remnants of left behind presents. Many who no longer own dogs, would like their lawn to stay dog free. Not dog haters just tired of upkeep from dogs they do not own.

Then there are the lawns usually the corner lots that can become the “dog” park of their neighborhood, baggies for waste removal can be only a suggestion for some. It’s hard for some of those owners who can no longer pick up after your dog.

It is and always will be those who think everyone’s lawn is their personal dog park, ( because every lawn has an easement and it’s perfectly proper to allow your dog to use anyone’s easement lawn).

All of our very large Belgians were never allowed to walk on someone else’s property easement or not. They were train to use their lawn, and walks or runs were for exercise. . My father in law was attacked, from behind, with serious damage to his hand and fingers by a large shepherd, running loose while in his yard. He wouldn’t come to our house unless we penned our dog, and that was only once a year at Christmas, never any other gatherings.

OP you will find this subject can become very uncivilized. But realize there are people who really are not comfortable around dogs, good or very well trained. Plus it’s pain to watch our 90 plus year old neighbor bend down to pick up after dogs in his easement part of the yard. For a dog that he doesn’t own.
Do not worry about things you can not change

Last edited by asianthree; 06-16-2023 at 10:04 AM.