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Old 06-27-2023, 01:37 PM
Battlebasset Battlebasset is offline
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Originally Posted by Altavia View Post
Exactly - Risk vs Benefit -- I'll take a knee replacement over a double bypass any day - benefit wins on this one.
Yes, but I think the point is that there are ways to exercise that are less stressful on older bodies.

Didn't even know about pickleball till I moved down here. I've played some, and like it well enough. Have some folks about my level, and we enjoy knocking it around.

My issue has been that unlike golf, where I am often paired with folks that have more or less skill than me, it seems to attract people that relish beating others and gloating. I played golf with an incredible player last week. Dropped it on the green off the tee every time almost. Never once did he gloat, or act annoyed when one of my shots wasn't quite as good as his. He gave limited pointers in a gracious manner. He is heading back north, otherwise I would have scheduled with him again. An absolute joy to play with, even though he is light years ahead of me skill-wise.

Pickleball? Seems some folks quickly revert to the 8th grade and forget that at one time, they were beginners too.