Thread: Media collusion
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Old 07-06-2023, 05:11 AM
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Originally Posted by blueash View Post

GE is 100% completely wrong. It was not hotter on a day 44 years ago than it was yesterday. Those of us who accept the science are not the misguided ones. Only GE seems to not understand that the phrase since 1979 does not mean it was hotter in 1978. And he came here to pontificate and rail about media collusion when in reality, REALITY, is just GE doesn't understand what his mind is unable to accept.

When you are told the temperatures are changing in an unprecedented fashion, ignore people here and on some media who lie to you. Here is the graph of the last 2000 years. See anything unusual at the right side, the last few years. Yes, proven global warming never seen in historical times.

And the last 1/2 century, since the increase in industrialization, burning carbon fuels has the most dramatic pattern.
Wow, I just have no idea where to start debunking that crap.
I didn't say it was hotter in 1978, I said if you only have temperature data OF THE TYPE QUOTED since 1979, it was probably hotter at some point prior to that. It was DEFINITELY hotter 65 million years ago, but we don't have data from then either. Then there's that pretty graph of "2000 years". Where does that data come from??? After acknowledging the data for the argument was only collected since 1979!!!! And this is referred to as "proven global warming"???? Add to that even a snapshot of 150 or even 2000 years is nothing in comparison to the climate cycles that have been repeating for the last 4.5 million years, not to mention "since 1979". Yep, what that post "proved" is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

And put that "conspiracy theorist" label to rest---I didn't post that----I posted the media is EITHER PASSIVELY or actively colluding to push certain narratives, and we all know what those narratives are and who supports them, which is why I'm not surprised by that post. So, sorry, I "understand" perfectly.