Thread: Media collusion
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Old 07-06-2023, 05:41 AM
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Originally Posted by MarcStephen View Post
I seem to recall that at one time our continent was covered in glacial ice that has been receded. This means that the earth has been on a warming trend for a very very long time while ensuring cold cycles. I think if we all want to extend our retirement funds, let’s all invest in companies looking to cool the earth. I’d be curious what the return on the investment would be?
In about 45-70,000 years. Since the current ICE AGE began 4.5 million years ago, we have had cycles of glaciation and interglacial thaws lasting 60-100,000 years. This has repeated at least a dozen times since the last time the poles were ice free. The current thaw began about 20,000 years ago, and we are still on the warming curve. in about 20-25,000 years the temp will peak, and yes, our coastal cities will be under water, but NOT because Fred Flintstone drove a SUV or JD Rockefeller hit oil, unless anyone is naive enough to believe we have hit our current level of technology a dozen times in the last 4.5 million years and then wiped ourselves out with internal combustion engines. (but there are probably some climate change nut jobs that believe that). After that peak, we will cool again and 40,000 years or so later our northeastern coastal cities will once again be covered by 2 miles of ice. Eventually, this cycle will be broken by forces more powerful than man. The last gargantuan shift in climate occurred due to the rise of the Rocky and Himalayan mountains about 70 million years ago, so that now our planet is about 10 degrees cooler than it was then.

But then again, according to a previous post, I don't "understand" this subject