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Old 07-10-2023, 08:30 AM
TeresaE TeresaE is offline
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Originally Posted by djplong View Post
So tell me. Are they going to have the flat-earthers there? The JFK-QAnon folk? How about a delegation of Russians that believe Ukraine needed de-Nazification?

Yeah, I used to believe that climate change wasn't real. Eventually the evidence was overwhelming. I even remember the particular piece of evidence that convinced me that maybe a lay-person like me didn't know as much as I thought I did. After all, that's really what science is - discovering more information. And if the new, verifiable, repeatable information refutes the previous assumptions, it's time for new conclusions.
Some of us don’t necessarily question that the earth is warming. What we are questioning is 1) the cause. CO2 makes up around 0.04% of the earth’s atmosphere compared 96.5% of Venus’. How can humans and their cars and cows cause the earth to warm when CO2 and methane is such a small % of our atmosphere. If the earth is warming, could it be just part of the natural cycle? Could it be lack of health plankton in the oceans “breathing in the CO2 and releasing O2. Could it be concrete sinks ie parking lots? . I could list a dozen more theories. Some should be debated some should not. And 2) the potential severity global warming? Does it really matter? Will it peak? Is the sky really falling? Many well respected climatologists have raised these questions. The science is far from settled, but the debate has been cancelled by the usual suspects. That’s the problem.