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Old 07-25-2023, 09:15 AM
Battlebasset Battlebasset is offline
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Some of this I agree with, some I don't.

The bottom line why men are happier is that (most) don't make perfect the enemy of good (enough). We tend to make decisions quicker, don't overthink, and focus on the goal. Woman (some, not all) agonize over details of limited importance, and they experience "analysis paralysis" and even when it's done, question what decision they made and could they have done better. Men shrug and move on.

Don't believe me? Stand in line at a McDonalds and watch men order vs women. Men will walk up, order in mind - "Number five with a diet coke". A woman will stand back for a bit, study the menu, and still when they get up there, hesitate.

I might do that with a house or car. McDonalds? Low impact decision. The goal is food in your belly. Make it and move on.