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Old 08-06-2023, 08:13 AM
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Originally Posted by CoachKandSportsguy View Post
With Brazil and Germany out as well, the rest of the world is catching up via the leadership the USA has provided for women's sports in the last 30 years. .

That's the beauty of sports and leadership, the rest of the world wants to beat your azz, and sweden is highly ranked, and has lost to the USA many, many times, so it was just a matter of time for them as well. .

As Julie Ertz said this morning: "You only rent this suit and then you pass it down to the next team. . "

This tournament the goalies have been phenomenal, all of them getting to the round of 16. . and the number of young women in countries which has never allowed womens' sports, such in the arab world, what a wake up call to them to join the rest of the world in a very unpredictable way to their culture

and they need to fire the coach tomorrow. .
The coach's decisions left a lot to be desired.

It was a very close game though in every way.