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Old 08-14-2023, 06:56 AM
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Originally Posted by rhood View Post
Considering replacements and am asking what physical limitations I can expect? Will I be able to jog, play softball, pickle ball, etc? Anyone doing these things? Thanks
Had both replaced, about 5 years apart. Read the printed instructions for regaining range of motion and did the "rehab" on my own. Made my own little goniometer the second time. :-) Was back ready for my old man tennis tournament participation (clay courts) within two months both times. *Love* my new knees. Can't really think of any physical limitations that I wouldn't have anyway at this age.

Interestingly, the first one was done in Savannah by a tennis buddy, and the second one in Pompano Beach by random draw. :-) The second guy had this bizarre (to me) post-op pain pill regimen - 7 or 8 different pills, but I followed it anyway. It led to an amazingly pain free recovery period, despite my disbelief in magic.

BTW, this same random orthopedist recently gave me the wonderful news that I didn't need the hip replacement which I had assumed that I was ready for. A prescription for "once a day" meloxicam has me living with very little joint pain of any ilk these days, though it wouldn't have been "enough" had I been able to continue the tennis hobby. Plenty, though, for this renewed attempt at golf. Now, if I could only find appropriate "head case" drugs. . .