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Old 08-17-2023, 06:37 PM
Altavia Altavia is offline
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Are password managers secure? | Norton.

Are password managers secure?

You might worry about trusting a program or app with your master password and other private information. Can't app makers be hacked, too?

The quick answer is “yes.” Password managers can be hacked. But while cybercriminals may get "in" it doesn't mean they will get your master password or other information. The information in your password manager is encrypted. And deciphering that encryption, which is usually industry-standard encryption like Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), is almost impossible.

Plus, most password managers do not store or have any access to your master password or the encrypted information in your password database.

Much of the security of your password manager depends on the strength and safety of your one master password. And for many password management systems, that master password is not stored on the same server as your encrypted information. This adds an additional layer of security.


Password managers like Dashlane do not have your master password. All information is encrypted before sending to their database. Flip side, if you forget your master password, they can't help recover your data.


Last edited by Altavia; 08-17-2023 at 06:53 PM.