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Old 08-30-2023, 11:17 AM
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Originally Posted by OrangeBlossomBaby View Post
I'm glad I'm not one of those kinds of people who wait til the day before a hurricane to stock up on water, batteries, etc. I buy batteries randomly when there's a sale, after checking to see if any I already have are near their expiration date. I buy water every month - in jugs and 16.9-oz bottle cases. I figure since the tap water isn't fluoridated anyway, there's no need for me to endure the nasty taste and texture of Florida tap water (yes, we have a filter. Yes, it still tastes like old egg-swamp). So we keep spring water in the house year-round.

As for how we fared - I counted THREE leaves stripped off my lemon tree. I'm truly heartbroken. I let them fly free, because this is the Freedom state and they deserved to die with dignity.
Was that spring water from Houston Texas?