Thread: Dog parks..ERRR
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Old 08-31-2023, 07:06 AM
jimjamuser jimjamuser is offline
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Originally Posted by gigi9877 View Post
Not a fan of dog parks, but we are renting a home with no fence and I have a semi big dog, that needs to get energy out.. I have been to the majority of them, and I prefer one... With that said, we have had LUCK with no aggressive dogs till a few weeks ago.. If your dog has aggressive tendencies DO NOT bring them to a dog park...The first time my dog went to greet other dogs coming at the gate and this dog who was in the park with her came running over and started to attack her. The owner was quick and got her.. She said "oh its the gate" 2 weeks later I was sitting on the bench and my dog was next to me her dog came over and attacked her again. (She said its the bench) again she leased him up and left.. I should have known better when I saw that dog in the park but I gave him and the owner the benefit of the doubt.. Last night I was brushing my dog and noticed scabs around the spot the dog went after her I had checked at the park I didn't see any blood and she has been acting fine so I never thought twice until I saw the scabs. Needless to say if I see this lady with this dog in the park I will Not go in.. But People Please do not bring aggressive dogs into a dog park!!! Sorry I had to vent!
Some people walk their dogs on a leash around the outskirts of a softball field after the games are over. Also, near the horse stadium (not sure of a better name) which is in the northern section, there are acres of grass. You just have to be creative about your situation. You could use a squirt gun filled with soapy water or vinegar. Then as the aggressive dog approaches, pop him in the snout. Dogs have a massive amount or sensors in their nose so that should deter the dog in the future. Also, I suppose, you should do this COVERTLY when that dogs owner is NOT looking. It would be tricky to accomplish, but would be possible. And would NOT hurt the dog permanently.