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Old 09-01-2023, 06:05 AM
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Originally Posted by ThirdOfFive View Post
As I understand it, yes.

A couple of months ago I saw something pretty revealing. TV Charter schools serve 38% of the public school students in this school district but use up only 30% of the available revenue. This fact does not sit well with some of the more vociferous critics.

Also, of the total number of villagers as of 2023 (145,000, give or take), 80% of that number, or 116,000, are also residents of Sumter County. Considering that the total population of Sumter County is 144,970, that means that
over 80% of the total population of the County are also Villagers, meaning that The Villages citizens pay the lion's share of property taxes, from which the schools are funded, collected in Sumter County.

A rising tide lifts all boats.
Careful, you’ll upset the school board’s cry of poverty with facts and their 17% tax increase may be questioned.
Don Wiley
GoldWingNut (a motorcycle enthusiast not a gilded fastener)
Village of Hillsborough
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Society is produced by our wants, and government by wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices. - Thomas Paine, 1/10/1776