Thread: Dog parks..ERRR
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Old 09-01-2023, 10:32 AM
chicksinger chicksinger is offline
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Default Everyone Feels Their Dog/Child Can Do No Wrong Today

Originally Posted by Blueblaze View Post
I take my dog to the park every single day. He's like an alarm clock.

Dog greetings sometimes look vicious, but you have to give them a chance to work things out themselves. A real attack is more than just a little growling and fake nips, though. They go for the neck and won't relent until you stop it.

My dog has been attacked at the dog park twice in two years, and both times the owners were obviously too young to be property owners.

In one case, they admitted they weren't even staying in the Villages. My dog was hiding behind me while their vicious animal attempted to get by me for a third attack, so I kicked him. Not hard, just enough to make the point. You would have thought I'd murdered their child. The woman started screaming "You kicked my dog!" and "Why are you people so mean?". The man ran up to me like he was going to start a fight, but then just started yelling that he was going to call a cop. I said "You can't bring a viscous dog here. I'm here every day. If lived here I would recognize you.". I got my own phone out and started to dial. He backed down and they left, whining the whole way out about how I'd "kicked their dog" and how "mean all you old people are" (I cleaned up the language).

I think the vicious dog issues would go away if everyone had to swipe their card to get through the gate.

In a perfect world, people would be considerate and use common sense and take responsibility for their actions. We don't live in one. Even our pools are used by those that shouldn't. Perhaps, walking through the neighborhood or driving elsewhere is a good idea.