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Old 09-04-2023, 09:44 AM
Vladimir Vladimir is offline
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Originally Posted by newgirl View Post
Sad that the local schools are some of the worst public schools in the country.[COLOR="Blue"] The Villages can pick and choose who goes there, they don't accept problem or disabled kids like public schools have to[/COLOR] ,and parents have to donate so many hours a month volunteering ( meaning most have two parents and are upper middle, not average income for the area). You can not compare the two. If a kid gets in trouble, the charter school can kick them out, I heard same with grades( why they have that 98% rating) a public school must do everything humanly to keep all kids in school.
It is sad kids around here are getting such a poor medication while the county is raking in the cash..

A couple of months ago I saw something pretty revealing. TV Charter schools serve 38% of the public school students in this school district but use up only 30% of the available revenue. This fact does not sit well with some of the more vociferous critics.

Also, of the total number of villagers as of 2023 (145,000, give or take), 80% of that number, or 116,000, are also residents of Sumter County. Considering that the total population of Sumter County is 144,970, that means that
over 80% of the total population of the County are also Villagers, meaning that The Villages citizens pay the lion's share of property taxes, from which the schools are funded, collected in Sumter County.

A rising tide lifts all boats.

Some of the statements above are not true. TVCS does not choose or pick who goes there...its based on parents who work for TV in some capacity. You would be surprised how many low level performing kids with behavior problems go there and many from low income households (think of landscapers or custodial for example). They don't get kicked out as easily as you may think. These kids get personal extra attention from the educators and support staff to try and help them succeed. I know this first hand since I'm there.