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Old 09-11-2023, 11:01 AM
Cybersprings Cybersprings is offline
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Originally Posted by Normal View Post
This has to be a major point for elections. Commissioners and representatives need to be pronounced on their standings for STRs. The majority are against them and the message needs to be loud and clear.

Today’s news :

A convicted child molester (12 year old in 2019)found his way into The Villages thanks to a rental.

1. What do you base your statement that the majority are against STRs on? Counting people who post on TOTV, from talking to your neighbors? Not sure that would be considered scientific. Is there a poll of all villagers that you are quoting from?

2. To be perfectly honest, I do not want BAD short term renters beside me. But I also don't want full time neighbors that let their dog loose to do their business in the flowers in the circle in front of my house or in my yard, but that is what I have.

3. I also do not want more restrictions on what I can do with my property. I bought my property with one set of restrictions, and they should not change after I purchased it in such a substantive way. If I can live in the villages 6 months a year because I am able to rent it out the other 6 months of the year, then I should be allowed to do it (if those are the conditions under which I purchased my property). BTW, I have never rented my property for a single minute since I purchased 10 years ago.

4. Which do you perfer, a permanent convicted child molester or one that is there for only a week? Or are you saying that the villages does background checks on all purchases (through the villages and by owner) precluding permanent residents with a record?