Thread: Patton (1970).
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Old 09-13-2023, 11:05 PM
margaretmattson margaretmattson is offline
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Originally Posted by twoplanekid View Post
I never will forget the first time I tried to watch the movie Patton. I was stationed at the 8th Radio Research Field station in Phu Bai Vietnam in 1970. The movie was to start at 12 midnight. A few minutes before midnight I head what to me sounded like our artillery shelling the North Vietnamese in the A Shau Valley. After a few seconds of continuing explosions, some 101st Airborne soldiers who apparently were better at distinguish incoming from outgoing rounds jumped up and ran outside. Although still hoping to watch the movie, I thought it best to step outside to see what was happening.

I could plainly see the mortar round explosions being walked down the street towards me. So, I gave up on watching the movie to run to secure my M-14 rifle, helmet, flak jacket and go to the trenches. I stayed in the trenches all night to then report to the operations room in the morning for another 12 hour shift intercepting enemy communications. I believe that it wasn’t until I returned home (USA) that I finally saw the movie Patton.
Thank you for your service. It is my hope that your children and grandchildren never have to experience war. And, together, you can all snuggle up and watch as many movies as you like.