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Old 09-20-2023, 01:33 PM
Rzepecki Rzepecki is offline
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Originally Posted by Arancampas View Post
For those of you who love to hear someone babble on and on about, who know what....this ones for you!
So we moved to Gainesville (Yes, I know, any and all pity is welcomed) 7 years ago this week. Believe it or not, last week was the first time we ventured down to TV. We were furniture shopping just up the road and figured...why not, the worst thing that can happen is we get a quick STD (just kidding, kind of). I must say, just driving a few miles and checking out only 1 town center, then reading how many pools, activities, more pools and did I mention pools? My wife and I both said....OK, we need to check this out more. Of course she went to the most reliable news source she knows, TikTok, to gather Intel. We travel to Jamaica and Bahamas nonstop with some Costa Rica and Egypt thrown in here and there and have been thinking how.much money we would save if we got a 2nd home somewhere closer, that we don't despise (like we do Gainesville), and actually have fun every week if we want to. So here we are. Thinking about a LS visit in a week or 2, but don't want to be ALLLLLL the way down south, and that maybe just renting something centrally located in TV for a few days. But really, as long as there are pools just a golf car ride away, location doesn't matter. Been looking in the "historic" areas that have mobiles because we don't need to be all fancy like and if we decide we don't like it that much, or we love it and want a house without wheels, we can sell it.

I've been looking through the forum here trying to spot the negatives and such. There was really only one thing that caught my attention, and maybe you fine folks can educate me. There seems to be quite a few MPD (morality police dept.) officers. Yes, part of that comes from the post about the movie playing in one of the cinemas. We are not PC people, we have foul mouths sometimes (Ok, most of the time), we listen to vulgar music and watch violent movies. Most importantly, we want to just enjoy life, have fun, and be around people who feel the same. Yes, I threw that Oxford comma in there for those of you who are fans of them.

Wow, I've been rambling for hours already, that explains why my fingers hurt. Anyway, I'm sure quite a few already dislike me, and maybe others are thinking.....I finally found my spirit animal!

Maybe we'll see some of you when we come visit here shortly.

To have a greater choice of pools, I’d suggest you rent south of CR 466; there aren’t as many north of CR 466.