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Old 09-20-2023, 03:01 PM
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npwalters npwalters is offline
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Taking the Next Step is a combination of muscle memory (drills), learning where to be on the court, and what should your response be to the opponent's action (game strategy).

Unguided practice will probably not cause a person to improve. Doing the wrong thing many times just strengthens the bad habit. First you need to know what the correct action is and then practice that.

Getting quality instruction is the fastest and surest path to improvement. The PCVG offers several good courses. I teach in a group of instructors that offer two of them. We have a waiting list every week - even in the winter when they are offered weekly. BUT....that 2 hour block of instruction in a 4 person group is only a good start. Getting private instruction over a several concurrent weeks is a much better plan of action.

The government cannot give anything to anyone without first taking it from someone else