Thread: Roommate Finder
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Old 09-23-2023, 01:43 PM
Stu from NYC Stu from NYC is offline
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Originally Posted by dougjb View Post
Actually, it is not that hard to do. But, plan on taking your time and do not just sign off on the first person waving money at you. Why not prepare a list of questions you wish to ask the person...such as what their sleeping times are...find out if they like to cook...ask them if they are neat (a good test for this is when they are leaving, walk them out to their car and look inside, does it look like they are tidy?)...ask them if they have boyfriends or girlfriends or just long have they been acquainted with the they smoke... Don't make a decision about the person right away. Tell them that you are interviewing several people and might have to speak with them again. Lay out some ground rules..such as all common areas must be picked up and cleaned and that you both share chores around the house. In other words, find out if this is a person you can live with. As far as locking things up. that is probably not a bad idea. But, find out a lot about the person before agreeing to have him as a roomie. Also, get a very substantial security deposit (Florida statutes has rules on this and how you maintain it). get first and last months rent. If they squawk about the money, you do not want them. They need to be financiallys secure. And get references.
Very good advise