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Old 09-20-2009, 10:54 AM
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Originally Posted by The Great Fumar View Post
In five years I have never had an ambassador direct me to allow another golfer to ride in my cart........If it does happen , I would tell him to stick it up his nose ......I'm not saying I wouldn't give someone a ride but if I do ,its going to be my idea and no one elses......
That would be like being forced to give someone a ride ot Orlando because your going in that direction........
I'm not saying that this couldn't happen , I'm just saying it better never happen to me...........
Happens all the time on the golf courses...only 2 carts on the course per foursome. I've ridden in some pretty nice carts which will help me when I buy a new cart in the future. I don't like losing my cooler, happens on 4 seater carts, so I bring a small one I can put at my feet.