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Old 09-27-2023, 08:54 AM
nsantelli nsantelli is offline
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Default Mac or Windows or both

IF AND ONLY IF you are willing to learn new commends, proceedures, etc, go with Mac. IMACs are way overkill unless you are into very heavy duty video editing, photo effects, art creation, CG. I would seriously consider a Macbook Air and get a separate keyboard, mouse, and monitor (you will need adaptors to go from Apple output to HDMI, keyboards). Then you have the best of both worlds. A home desktop computer which, after you disconnect, you can then take to another room or with you on trips if desired. If you ever need PC compatibility there are Windows emulators you can load on your Mac that let you run most Windows programs. Personally I like the Parallels emulator application.

MAKE SURE you like the keyboard before you buy. They are not for everyone.

FYI - I bought my current Apple MacBook air in 2015. Sill working very well. Did replace the battery a couple of years ago.

History, skip if not interested.

For personal use and early on for business use, I have been an Apple person since 1980 when the Apple II Plus was released. In 1980 thee was the Radio Shack TRS-80 and a couple of others, but there were no IBM PCs and only Apple had a spreadsheet and decent word processing application. A couple years later when IBM PC started arriving (they were built in Boca Raton, FL, at the time), I had to get one to stay compatible with government clients. (This was pre hard disks, pre Windows, pre internet and pre mouse). Once other tech companies figured out that they could buy the Operating System (DOS at the time) directly from Bill Gates / Microsoft, more PCs started appearing and prices went down.and PCs began to sell better than Apple. Macintosh held off the competitors for a very short time because it introduced the mouse to the general public. Bill Gates then came up with Windows and an add on mouse. Software companies quickly started producing applications that used a mouse and as they say -- The rest is history.