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Old 09-27-2023, 02:36 PM
Michael 61 Michael 61 is offline
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Originally Posted by retiredguy123 View Post
Every morning, I check the Weather Channel app to see if it is going to rain. Today, it said that there was a 71 percent chance for rain at 5 pm. But, now, at 3 pm, the chance for rain at 5 pm is only 40 percent. I understand that a forecast can change, but this pattern occurs almost every day. The chance for rain at 5 pm is very high in the early morning, but then it decreases as the time gets closer to 5 pm. It almost never increases. It happens so often that I believe that the forecasters are intentionally publishing a higher chance for rain in the morning than the data actually suggests. Has anyone else noticed this trend and is there a logical explanation?
I’ve noticed the same. I’ve always found the weather channel app close to accurate in other places I’ve lived, but here it is way off continually, to the point I don’t even bother with it anymore. When I first moved here, I would cancel/rearrange/modify my plans based on the prediction of rain (like over 70%), that never occurred.
*The Village of Richmond*