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Old 09-29-2023, 07:12 AM
MandoMan MandoMan is offline
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Originally Posted by wwwson View Post
I was wondering if there is any place around that will download my photo's in the I Cloud to an external hard drive? It seems crazy to pay for extra storage when a external drive will do. I currently have a Apple phone and a HP Computer.
I have lots of family photos, going back to the 1860s. I’ve digitized all of them. They are all in the cloud. They are on several memory chips and other places. A lot of them are on Ancestry. But technology changes. There were computer programs I used thirty years ago that I can no longer use. There are new iPhones where the photos take up as much as 48k each. The Cloud is simply giant buildings filled with computer servers. What happens when they are no longer profitable? Will they be shut down? They cost an enormous amount to build and run. What if a virus destroys them. What if you leave photos in some format for your kids or grandkids, but they don’t have the technology to see them and don’t know what they are? You put 10,000 photos on some little chip, they find it when you die, don’t know what it is, and just throw it away.

One good thing to do is to go through all your photos on your phone and trash all of them that aren’t terrific. You know, you take a hundred at some birthday party, but keeping one would really be enough. You have five hundred of your dog, but a dozen of the very best would be enough. You took a thousand photos of your flowers, but your grandchildren won’t want to look at them, ever. Get rid of them now, so everything doesn’t get tossed.

Also, for all of these photos, figure out how to put names and dates on each of them. I know Apple lets you do this. I assume the other brands do, too. It takes a long time, but I assure you, if your kids don’t know who great-aunt whoever is, if you are gone, they will never know. That person will be lost and forgotten.