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Old 09-29-2023, 09:58 AM
jimjamuser jimjamuser is offline
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Originally Posted by sounding View Post
Not only does official government satellite data indicate we are in a 9-year cooling trend, but it also shows, that over the past 30 years, global warming is slowing down -- exactly the opposite of what alarmists claim. Listen to the data -- it's talking to you.
I will give you some REAL FACTS about Global Warming and how it IS AFFECTING Fl. today. And you can find it ALL in today's NY Times. DUE to Global Warming, DENGUE FEVER (the DEADLY mosquito-borne disease) has NOW moved NORTH to Florida in the US and France in Europe.
.......For the FIRST time in 20 YEARS, this summer MALARIA has SPREAD to Fl., Tx., and Maryland.
........Look THAT up and STOP the NONSENSE of trying to refute G.W. That is DANGEROUS DISINFORMATION.
.........I don't know who or why that DISINFORMATION spreads.........maybe some Fl. real estate agent wants to KEEP attracting masses of people to Central Florida???????