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Old 09-30-2023, 10:18 AM
OrangeBlossomBaby OrangeBlossomBaby is offline
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Originally Posted by mdmurrell View Post
My wife and I struggle with using our computers and cell phones. Rather than rely on our kids and grandkids for advice we would like to find a place to get some basic instruction on how to use Microsoft word and Microsoft 360 in addition to tips on using our cell phones. I spent a half hour today trying to get my wife's iPhone 8 to download "The Apps Store" after an Apple upgrade apparently deleted it from her screen. Neither of us is stupid; however, we often feel like an idiot after being defeated by the simple issues that come up every day using our tech. Any groups or advisors that you could recommend?
Many thanks,
I can help with MS Word but I'd need to know what you're expecting to do with it.

Do you want to make brochures for a club? Are you hoping to use mail merge and graphics options to make and send out Christmas cards? Do you need to understand the tables feature so you can make up columns of categories for things your church food pantry needs? Or are you just wanting to type a letter to a loved one and maybe include a photo of your new golf cart?

I use LibreOffice instead of Microsoft, but I was one test away from a MS Software Professional certification years ago, so I know my way around "office" software.