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Old 10-05-2023, 12:30 PM
Bill14564 Bill14564 is online now
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Originally Posted by golfing eagles View Post
And finally, as a promise to one who is constantly sounding the imminent disaster alarm, here is a picture. It was taken last month off the Isle of Capri in the Mediterranean (well actually, the Gulf of Naples) at high tide. The dark line along the cliff about 15-20 feet ABOVE the water (above the boat on the left, sorry about the resolution but it was hazy) is erosion from where the sea level was 2,000 years ago when Ceasar Augustus ruled. So much for ocean levels rising in the last 2,000 years, and at the current rate of rise we have quite a long time just to get back to the level of Roman times. Yes, we'll get there and hundreds of feet more, but not in the next decades, but in many millennia.
You believe sea levels fell 15-20 feet in the 1500 years preceding the "discovery" of the new world (assuming the coast hasn't changed much since that time)? They say a picture is worth a thousand words - it would be nice to see even a few hundred confirming and explaining that.
Why do people insist on making claims without looking them up first, do they really think no one will check? Proof by emphatic assertion rarely works.
Confirmation bias is real; I can find any number of articles that say so.

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