Thread: Lantana Camara.
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Old 10-23-2023, 07:43 PM
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Originally Posted by villagetinker View Post
Have you tried some of the commercial plant killers? You can contact Master gardener and they should be able to tell you specifically how to get rid of the plant.

Here is their website:
Florida Master Gardener Program - Solutions for Your Life - University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences - UF/IFAS

Right now I am just trying to cut down the parts with hanging fruit of any kind. Or knock them down.

It was a very large entangled mess when I started. It was to the roof (maybe 9 feet) and then about 6 feet across and pushing into the trees that had been planted when the house went up.

It was not there a few years ago. Its growth has been over the past two years or so.

It is probably some mis-identified lantana sold somewhere in or near the Villages.

It does look like I will have to kill the root which could be massive.

Last edited by Taltarzac725; 10-23-2023 at 07:48 PM.