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Old 10-25-2023, 04:19 PM
ThirdOfFive ThirdOfFive is offline
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Love Canada. Back in the day we'd cross the border at International Falls and come back with bunches of Players Cigarettes and Labatt beer. Wasn't hard to do back then. Impossible now.

A lot of years ago my wife and I were vacationing up there. One morning, tooling along on "The King's Highway 11" w noticed the flashing lights of a police cruiser rapidly approaching us from the rear. We hadn't seen anyone, person or vehicle, for like the previous half-hour so I thought it was kind of strange. Anyhow this officer, resplendent in a blue and red uniform, approached our car as I opened the window.

"A great good morning to you sir!" was his initial remark. I replied sort of in kind, and asked what it was all about. Turned out a convict in a prison up there had escaped and had "taken to the bush", last seen on the King's Highway 11. The officer asked if we had seen anyone walking or hitch-hiking. We hadn't. He gave a description and advised us not to stop for anyone remotely matching that description, and wished us a good day. "Hope you catch him" was my remark as he was leaving. "Oh, we're not worried", the officer replied. If he has to spend the night in the bush he'll probably turn himself in tomorrow morning because of the mosquitoes".

Canada is fun.