Thread: Golf attire
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Old 11-19-2023, 04:29 PM
Mortal1 Mortal1 is offline
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Default This response is wrong...

Originally Posted by tophcfa View Post
Yes, it’s allowed in the dress code. You can’t wear a t shirt, but a shirt without a collar is allowed as long as it has a buttoned opening. There is actually a picture of one being shown as acceptable attire posted at many of the courses, both Championship and Executive.
there are some posters at some of the starters shacks that state 1/4" minimum collar and others that state 1 1/4" inch. The latter is correct as per the golf the villages website and the person in charge of such things(as I emailed them).

Most courses won't say anything with a henley(a type of Tee shirt with a few buttons)being worn. Nevertheless don't be surprise when you are required to wear either a "mock turtleneck" or a regular polo shirt.

The person who posted this is ill informed.