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Old 12-04-2023, 11:42 AM
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Originally Posted by BrianL99 View Post
Mr. CoachKandSportsguy is correct in his analysis of how CDD bonds work. They are not simply an "investment vehicle", as described by Mr. Goldwingnut, nor are they immune to being influenced (nor beyond manipulation) by the Developer.

They are indeed a loan from and liability for, the CDD's.

CDD Bonds never attach to a "homeowner", they attach to land only. They are not a debt of the homeowner. Only landowners assume the obligation. A homeowner never assumes liability nor becomes a debtor. Perhaps it's only semantics, but if you're going to get into the weeds, accuracy is important.
Definitely semantics, it’s a first lien on the land the home is built on. The homeowner owns the land and the house has little to no value without the land it’s built on.