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Old 12-09-2023, 01:09 PM
ThirdOfFive ThirdOfFive is offline
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Originally Posted by Michael 61 View Post
So today is a red letter day for me. Exactly one year ago today, I closed on my patio villa in the Village of Richmond, moving from Colorado.

I felt so lucky securing a villa home in the Richmond lottery last year, after seven previous unsuccessful attempts in this extremely competitive and fast-selling village. I remember my sales agent calling me in Colorado the morning of November 7, 2022, saying I was #1 out of 22, and that I had only two hours to decide to buy our not - sight unseen. I remember walking into my house for the first time, only after I had already closed and wrote the largest check in my life.

So question , would I do it all again? — without a hesitation - yes!! This has been the best year of my life, and this community has exceeded my expectations on every level. I have more friends than I can count. Every day is a new adventure, and I’m on a vacation that never ends. This place is beautiful and the people here are the best. My enthusiasm for TV is even greater now than when I moved here - (so much for the naysayers who wrote me off a year ago, saying I was just a “newbie” who drank the cool-aid and that my feet would eventually touch the ground). Would there be a few things I would have done differently in retrospect, sure, but I don’t regret any of the major decisions I have made.

Life just keeps getting better every day here, and I never want to forget how truly blessed I am to be able to enjoy my active retirement years in such a great place.

If anyone is interested, I am the featured guest today on Jerry and Linda’s Newcomers you tube show.

Thank you to the many great people here on TOTV who have been invaluable by answering my “rookie” questions this past year, and being so patient and kind with me - your advice on living the lifestyle here, home improvements, and other questions have been so helpful and encouraging to me.

Looking forward to meeting many more Villagers while out and about.
Far more people than not have the same opinion of TV as does the author of the OP.