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Old 12-11-2023, 11:27 AM
fdpaq0580 fdpaq0580 is offline
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Originally Posted by JMintzer View Post
Innocents should be quite capable of receiving any and all information and making up their own mind...
Innocents make up their minds not by analyzing, but by believing what they have been told by people they (rightly or wrongly) trust. Santa Clause, tooth fairy, Easter bunny, etc. Even seemingly rational adults put their belief and trust in the blather and baloney that masquerades as truth (like flat earth, non-anthropogenic climate change, etc). An old saying, "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions" should have a disclaimer stating that many of those good intentions are the result of faith in misinformation.

Now it's time for you to say, "It's not me! It's you!"