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Old 12-18-2023, 10:52 PM
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Originally Posted by SaveTownofLadyLake View Post
Go online and see what the residents in Eustis have had to endure with their new smoke house neighbor.

Keep letting them give away the farms, next we will have meth labs coming in.

County Commission approved it but now can’t help the residents with noise, smells, lights, armed guards and traffic.

I’m telling you fellow residents Ya need to pay attention to what’s being sold and developed it’s not all cotton candy and roses.
What a bunch of nonsense. You can hardly equate marijuana with crystal meth! Marijuana is approved in Florida for medical use and it can be beneficial for a variety of health problems. Sooner or later it will also be approved for recreational use, not only in Florida but at the Federal level too. Then the police can focus on real crime and the case load in the Criminal Justice System & overcrowding of prisons will be eased as well. Not only that, but legal marijuana will greatly disrupt the drug cartels while allowing struggling farmers here to realize a new cash crop. FYI: Alcohol is probably the most dangerous & destructive drug there is. Alcohol is a major factor in vehicle fatalities, homicides, divorces, domestic abuse, suicides, assaults, child neglect, depression, financial ruin, premature death, and the list goes on. As for marijuana, just relax, no one is going to force you to smoke it.