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Old 12-22-2023, 07:09 PM
jimjamuser jimjamuser is offline
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Originally Posted by golfing eagles View Post
You are correct that "global warming occurs slowly"---in repetitive cycles of about 100,000 YEARS. All without any influence by humans. (It is the only part of your post that is correct)
OK so some people believe that Global Warming is NOT caused by mankind. But, I believe that I read that 95% of climate scientists believe that GW IS caused by MAN (AND SPECIFICALLY CO2 pollution). No one is disagreeing that throughout long, LONG term geological time there has been warming and cooling centuries of time. There are fossils of equatorial plants buried in the Arctic zone. I am arguing and repeating climate scientists that are talking about THIS century and really about the last 7 years when climate change has caused increasingly warmer years WORLDWIDE (caused by man). Now we are at the end of 2023 which has been RECORDED as the HOTTEST in recorded history (not geological time, but right now time). No one can deny that 2023 was the record HOTTEST year. No one, no way , no how. That is just what it is ........and we MUST live with that fact and find a SOLUTION. And a part (a subset) of the problem is all of the people scurrying northward from the equator towards and into the US. They are driven northward by the HEAT, which we all know we felt right here in TV land in the summer, which was just part of the WORLDWIDE record HEAT of 2023. Dr Vin Gupta was just on TV this morning going over the BAD HEALTH effects of the 2023 record HEAT (PLEASE GOOGLE THAT)