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Old 12-24-2023, 05:12 PM
mtdjed mtdjed is offline
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Originally Posted by jimjamuser View Post
There is a very SIMPLE logic to prove that recent Global Warming is man-made. The earth now has 8 billion people in it and it is only fairly recently (like 30 years) that the earth has made it to that many people. The US population when most of us were born was about 100,000,000 people - now it is over 3 times as much. And India and other 3rd world countries have increased more than the US. These population increases have increased the need for more electricity power plants, more automobiles, more food, and basically MORE everything. Which means more CO2 pollution.
........The TV show with Jake Tapper pointed out that countries in America and Europe could be crushed and become dis-functional as millions may end up moving Northward - that is unprecedented. Another problem for India is that it is fairly flat and the ocean could take over some parts.
Originally Posted by jimjamuser View Post
I am merely the messenger. It is NOT a good idea to "shoot the messenger". It is generally better to argue against the MESSAGE. We all seem to be in general agreement that 2023 was the HOTTEST in recorded I can conclude that my work is done here.

IF Only, but somehow I doubt it. That was my thought many of your posts ago. Obviously, I was right

As we all know there is recorded history in rocks, ice cores etc? Shows data allowing experts to date the earth back 4,500,000,000 years. Shows data of multiple ice ages over the years. Shows records of water levels much higher than current levels in between ice ages. Shows long periods of temperature much higher than current period. Many periods of global cooling and global warming. Even before humans. That is reality.

The causes of those changes were exclusive of human influence. Additionally, we have been in a period of global warming for 1000's of years.

Can humans affect the greenhouse gases? Yes. Just by breathing (inhale air at 21% oxygen. 04% CO2)(exhale air 16.4% oxygen, 4.4% CO2) Double the population, double the CO2. But then the plants absorb CO2 and emit Oxygen. But life goes on, the sun rises, people war, people procreate, society advances.

People have migrated since they began to exist. Weather had impacts but is not the sole cause.

Rather than dispute cause and impact on TOTV, why not offer solutions that you have implemented that contribute to a reduction to the problem. The answer is not go electric on everything. Production of electricity is a high consumer of carbon-based fuels.

Have you gone solar for your power needs? Have you reduced your carbon footprint in travel such as Trains instead of planes? Solar, water, wind Electric verse carbon fuels? Have you cut back on home AC and Heat requirements? Have you eliminated pleasure trips for sightseeing or family visits. Are you recycling your garbage and trash in some way other than what The Villages offers? Are you cutting back on your use of hot water from electric or gas fuels.