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Old 12-24-2023, 10:16 PM
mtdjed mtdjed is offline
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Originally Posted by jimjamuser View Post
I guess that I should be happy with some limited attempt to debate the actual issues (with just a slight dash of snark). That is an improvement over some. I guess that I can MOSTLY agree with the statement, "double the population, double the CO2". I will agree if the population is total worldwide and averages in BOTH 1st world and 3rd world populations because the 1st world produces much more CO2 pollution. That is why US and China populations are so important and why illegal immigration into the US is a SERIOUSLY bad issue.
......Yes, people have always migrated, but the migration that I am talking about is RECENT (10 years) migration caused by MAN-MADE CLIMATE-HEAT ruining their crops and forcing them Northward. Obviously, they are NOT migrating southward toward the Equator.
You ignore comment about accepting that record exists of multiple periods of global warming and global cooling much more drastic than your year 2023 hottest year on record. All of which occurred prior to any man made influence.

Of course, that would dispel the suggetions that the 2020 years are the hottest years "Ever", and that man is totally at fault. Also ignored is that scientists have stated we are still on the downside of the last Ice age.
You also don't mention solutions that you have implemented to particpate in reducing the problem .

Again, not saying that man does not impact global temperature. Man has drained swamps, reclaimed land from the sea, cleared forests, created huge concrete hot spots, mined and drilled for fuel to power equipment and heat and cool homes. We all walk around in our 98.6 F bodies transferring heat to the environment.

The earth is wrapped in a blanket of air. The lower level is called by some, the Troposphere and because of gravity the densest air. This level is about 6.8 miles (11KM) thick. The temperature in this area decreases by about 11.7 F per Kilo or 117 F within the 6.8 mile. After that we have the stratosphere which goes from 6.8 miles to 31 miles. The first 12 miles of the stratosphere has a constant temperature and then a raise due to the Ozone Layer.

The point is that the earth is in a virtual see thru thermos bottle. The heat is not coming from the gases that make the air. The heat is coming primarily from the radiation from the sun and secondarily from sources on the earth. The air also gets its heat from the sources. Night time and temp decreases, no sun. Cloudy and temp decreases, no sun. Winter less sun, temp decreases. Summer more sun, temp increases.

Farmer Jones has 1000 cows. No impact, Farmer Smith slaughtered 1000 cows.